

|2024-01-20 16:10:05|浏览:33

1. "I release my attachment and let go of all expectations."
2. "I surrender control and trust the natural flow of life."
3. "I embrace the present moment and let go of the past."
4. "I release the need for approval and accept myself as I am."
5. "I forgive myself and others, and choose to move forward with love and compassion."
6. "I release the need to be right and open my mind to new possibilities."
7. "I release the fear of failure and embrace the lessons and growth it offers."
8. "I let go of resentment and choose forgiveness and peace."
9. "I release the need to compare myself to others and focus on my own journey."
10. "I detach from outcomes and trust that everything will unfold as it should."

01-20 16:10优质作者

